Director / Business Development Manager
Chris Arnott is a First Nations (Wiradjuri/ Barapa Barapa) man who takes pride in his mixed heritage (European and First Nations).
Growing up in suburban Melbourne, his life was heavily influenced by his family’s struggles with inter-generational trauma caused by Stolen Generation issues, and efforts made to keep family together.
As an adult, Chris moved away from his family history of mostly trade work- towards Social Work- completing a Bachelor Of Social Work at RMIT in 1998. After a twenty year career in Social Work (Disability, Youth Detention, First Nations Child Protection Work, Stolen Generations), Chris took a break to reassess, working in trade for some time.
During this time Chris took up Brazilian Jiujitsu- starting the longest running Not For Profit Club in Australia (Clifton Hill Jiujitsu- sixteen years and running). Clifton Hill Jiujitsu was heavily influenced by ‘Rochina Jiujitsu’- a program in the slums of Brazil which assist young people. Chris became the First Brazilian Jiujitsu Black Belt First Nations person in Australia.
Whilst on a trip to Central Australia with his children, Chris met with a First Nations Brown Belt in Jiujitsu living in Alice Springs. Chris was challenged to step up work at Clifton Hill Jiujitsu and knew it was time to do more, this ultimately led to the creation of TUCKA (Trades Union Construction Koori Alliance).